Wednesday, April 23, 2008

So ready for skydive

住在美国号称birthplace of aviation的州里,怎么能不去skydiving一下,否则怎么能对得起那么多机场。But I am a virgin to this,什么才是最gentle的方式呢?查来查去,新手还是Tandem skydive的好,2-3小时的训练,和教练一起跳,时速120mile。然后才可以AFF (Accelerated Freefall) ,下面是AFF的7个阶段:

Stage 1
Training: Approximately 5 hours ground training and jump with 2 instructors.
Objectives: Stable body position, altitude awareness, parachute activation, radio assisted landing.

Stage 2
Training: Body awareness, ground training and jump with 2 instructors.
Objectives: Stable body relaxation, pilot chute throw and turning techniques, radio assisted landing.

Stage 3
Training: Hover control and holding a direction, and jump with 2 instructors.
Objectives: Balanced body position, hover control, hold heading, radio assisted landing.

Stage 4
Training: Consolidation of previous levels. Repeat of stage 3. Depending on progress your jump will be with 1 or 2 instructors, with or without radio assisted landing.

Stage 5
Training: Learning to turn and jump with 1 instructor.
Objectives: Linked or unlinked freefall, 360 degree turns.

Stage 6
Training: Consolidation repeat of stage 5 with forward movement and jump with 1 instructor.
Objectives: To consolidate progress and achieve forward movement.

Stage 7
Training: Backloops and tracking and jump with 1 instructor.
Objectives: Dive exit, backloops, 180-degree turn, delta, flare and wave off.

Sounds good? Right?

兴冲冲的去查周末的天气,结果要下雨, -_-!!!

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